Hi everyone! Yes I'm back again. Been busy the last few weeks with projects, projects, and projects!
My main project is getting the 'maids' room ready to be changed into the 'game' room. I've been going through alot of old stuff and organizing it all for the move up to the attic on the 3rd floor. I am supose to have help from Brad on this but thats not happening.
And to add to it the truck he drives is dead now! Which sucks so I can't haul trash to the dump and recyling center.
But the room is near clean. So this means I have to start getting ready to move stuff into it. The main thing that has to be built is a gaming shelf. A shelf that will hold ALL my games and DVD's. I also have had to get a list ready to make sure everything is there. Cuz trust me, there is alot.
I haven't started orgainizing what controllers/cables/add-ons I have for my xbox collection yet. That will take even longer!
But the idea for my gaming area is simple. The shelf of games, the old brown couch (best thing to sleep on for those late night sesions, and my tv. The idea was tossed out to use Brad's tv but his is a projection screen. And I HATE those type of tvs. Plus its too bright and you can't make any sence of whats going on on the tv.
We have one in the living room and I hate watching it. Mine is best for it because I've grown fond of the HDMI port and suround system I've modded up for it. Yes I use the poor mans reciever for my sound system, hey a stereo is great for it!
In this room I also plan on having a small area set aside for my conroller modding and other little projects, similar to my dads office downstairs. I know in time the room will be taken over by my rents but untill then I'll stick with it. Hell I'm payin rent there and they said I can do what I want in it, so yeah! Go me... I guess?
Well thats all for now in this update. The next one will be of my COMPLEAT game list thus far for the spring of 2012.
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