Monday, March 12, 2012

Youtube video updates

So for the past week I've been working on these new videos for my youtube channel, sad thing is they aren't about me! 

As you know my family owns a store in Red Wing which I work at and do alot of their social media managing.  Yet I don't really get paid for it, go figure. 
Anyways, Since I run and manage my own youtube channel my mom finds it easier to have me shoot/edit/and produce video's for her facebook page for the store.  Well I've done a few by myself and now she has the itch to be in alot more of these videos.

I guess thats ok but now I'm spending more time on the store videos then filming my vlogs/modds/gaming!  so who's booking this stuff now? 


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

nude photo leaks?

So I know I haven't watched G4tv in a LONG time.  But when I did I use to watch "Attack of the Show".  The show was hosted by Kevin Parara (sp) and Oliva Munn.  

Now I can NOT stand these two people!

Don't get me wrong, they know what they are talking about but only for the fact that they have writers and people who do the research for them to put the information on the tv show.  Aside from being able to read a script they don't know much and really don't offer alot to the table of the 'tech' fan.

Sure they go to events like GDC and E3 to report, but really have you seen them actually sit down and play a game of Modern Warfare or Mario Golf on tv?  Because the times I've seen them play they do it for 3 seconds then segway into another topic.

Now apparently Olivia Munn's Cell phone was hacked a few days ago and some 'supposed' nude pictures were leaked onto the internet. 
Hell I'm a guy so I looked them up.  Everyone acted like they were the end of the world for her and she denyed that they were of her.  Well I'm sorry to say they didn't thrill me.  Yea they are of her, hint for next time, Don't photograph yourself in the same spot clothed then nude.  Easy to tell if your faking it, much like your career.

Now normaly I should be agains this, but I'm not.  I hate that chick and all she stands for, might go back to the "Dj Chrisy chris" statement she did a few years ago. 

The way I see it she got what she deserved.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Video Making Process? How its done

So alot of people have asked me, "how do you come up with the ideas for your videos?". 

Well about 75% of the time I just turn the camera on and shoot it all in one take.  And 25% of the time I actually sit down and figure out how I want it to look. 

Those times are the long ones.  Like the New Years Eve video and some of the outings at bars/events.  Those times I actually have people to film and interact with during the recording.  Those are the fun ones. 

Some of my fellow Youtubers sit down and make up scripts and storys they want to do in their videos, sorry not that type of person.  I enjoy recording real life interactions.   Probably one of the reasons I go to bars with my cameras and get clips so often.

I do make up some story videos up.  I have about 40 of them I want to film but can't figure out how to make them.  I know I have PLENTY of people that would do them with me, just can't figure out direction and the camera work that I would have to do for them. 

Who knows maybe one day I'll actually do one of these videos for you guys.  Untill then you get to see my pick ups and mini-vlogs I post every other week!


mods mods and more mods!

Remember a month or so ago I posted about my Rapid fire mod to my xbox 360 controller.  Well I found something that is going to make it work even better!

While packing up my stuff from my apartment for the move I found 2 of my old towers that were scrapped out.  Inside was about 5 ft of ribon cable not connected but just sitting there.  I looked at the cable and realized it would be way easier to use as a modding wire then the thicker wire I've been using. 

Now why use thin wire?  well the thick wire I have been using don't make moving it around easy.  To make the power conection you have to soder it to the player 1 LED on the controler, now this is ok but if you try to move the wire and position it after its done, it snaps right off.
A thinner wire is easier because it can move around freely and not snap off the soder. 

So I took the wire and stripped the 16 wires down to single strips.  I then took 2 and connected them to 1 wire thus making it easy to create a faster build.  With these pre-made strips I'll be able to produce even more of these mods.  Even make some double fire mods!

So yes, they will be the left and right side L2 and R2 triggers.  I'm going to be making these up tomorrow night and will shoot some video of them. 
Just gotta buy a new soder rod and some other stuff first.  Yea you gotta spend money to make money.

Also as for the bullet mods, those will be available soon.  I just gotta shoot off some bullets first! 
