Monday, February 20, 2012

Bring back good TV!

So Normaly my soap box is broken from my standing on it from alot of issues.  Well here is another one!

I logged into my youtube ( account to check my messages and emails and noticed a constant add that kept popping up in the side bar. 
It was an add for a NEW Tv show on Nickalodian (nick) about a young kid who is being funny in school and around his family.  Oh how cute, that hasn't been done before, oh wait.... is that...

So a kid who has been a youtube celebrity and got his start doing independant video's on a public video feed site that signed him on to make a revenue and living off these videos now works for a company thats MAIN owner is Viacom. 

Why am I pissed about this, well Viacom is one of the main creators of the SOPA and PPIA bill that wasn't passed a few months ago,but still its trying to be turned over in courts. 

Now the creator and star of Fred in my opinion is an idiot for agreeing to have a 'tv show' be made by Nick.  He is proof that he can be bought. 
I for one would never agree to do something like this.  If they asked me to make a video game review show for "G4" and have all gaming channels blocked on youtube, I'd say hell no.  I would continue to support the organization that I got my start. 

When MPW was under fire by other promoters I still stood by MPW till the day the door closed. 
You don't turn coat on where you started Fred.  

But hey good luck with your shity tv show baised on your shitty movies that were raped by a coperation thats trying to make a monopaly on entertainment.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Darkness 2 Game Review

So I just picked up "The Darkness 2" for the Xbox 360.  The version I got was the "special Edition" which gave me 2 DLC things. 
1) 2 volumes for my 'ipad' or 'tablet' to read the comics.  But I don't have either of these, so I'll be hooking my dad up with this since he's got a tablet.
2) a DLC that has the locations of all the "relics" in the game.  a little "t" shows up on the screan when your near one so its easier to find and get points to upgrade your 'darkness' powers.

So onto my review of this game.

NOTICE: I'm half way done with the game and about 4 hours into it on 'normal' mode.

The game starts off just like the demo.  You have the choice of watching a video that is a "previously on" type thing for those of you who haven't played the first game.  But then again, WHY HAVEN'T YOU!!!

The controlls are VERY nice this time.  you do have the option to have 2 guns at the same time, I don't suggest this.  shooting both has crappy aim.  Plus you get to have 1 power gun (shot gun, assault rifle, rifle).  The left bumper controls the left tenticle arm that grabs things, and the right bumper controls the right arm that slashes/whips things.  you use these to take out enemies and doorways.   Very nice.

The acting is similar to the first game.  I think the actor who plays Jacki is the same guy from the first game so thats a plus.

Like I said I'm half way with the game and up until this point its very entertaining.  I do suggest that you go out and pick this one up.  I know there are two versions of the game out the special and normal.  I just got the special because thats all they had at walmart, only difference is those DLC codes. 
Either way its a great game, so go check it out.

I give it 4 Darklings outa 5!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tim and Eric Movie review

So I was messing around on my Zune account on Xbox and noticed that they were having a pre-viewing for "Tim and Eric's Billion dollar Movie".  I think this ends in a week? 

They have done these types of movies before where they show the before they hit theaters then have a limited release for the public till they decide they lost too much money and throw it on a DVD.  Hatchet was one of them. (sorry those of you who liked it)

So onto the movie review.
Now I did dish out the 800 Microsoft points (msp) for this crap fest.  Yea you already can tell I hated it.  Well I guess not really hated it more like disliked it alot.
The movie wasn't the same as the TV show, which you gotta be either drunk or high to get it.  I'm usually neither (I should start getting high I think?).  The movie does star Tim and Eric (who play themselves) as they make a billion dollar movie with a studios money.  The studio see's the film and sets out to kill them for their money.
Tim and Eric run off to manage and run a Rundown Mall. In the mall its owned by a character played by Will Feralle (sp).  Yea they got him in this movie!  And his nephew Played by John C. Riley!!!  Wow they actually have one of the guys from the show. 

Needless to say for about 45 mins they have a somewhat storyline going.  The Hollywood crew finds out where they are and in  3 mins they end the movie with some chopped off heads and smiles.  Similar to the TV show, I guess?

So if they asked me to see this movie again would I?  Well, Maybe.  Its one of those movies you rent and not own.  But then again where do you rent movies now-a-days? 
I did enjoy the john c. riley parts.  He is one of my favorite actors and I always enjoyed his "Dr. Steve Brulle" on the TV show and his spin off.  As for Tim and Eric, well maybe they should stick to the TV shows. 

I give this 2 Tocitos outa 5.
