So I just picked up "The Darkness 2" for the Xbox 360. The version I got was the "special Edition" which gave me 2 DLC things.
1) 2 volumes for my 'ipad' or 'tablet' to read the comics. But I don't have either of these, so I'll be hooking my dad up with this since he's got a tablet.
2) a DLC that has the locations of all the "relics" in the game. a little "t" shows up on the screan when your near one so its easier to find and get points to upgrade your 'darkness' powers.
So onto my review of this game.
NOTICE: I'm half way done with the game and about 4 hours into it on 'normal' mode.
The game starts off just like the demo. You have the choice of watching a video that is a "previously on" type thing for those of you who haven't played the first game. But then again, WHY HAVEN'T YOU!!!
The controlls are VERY nice this time. you do have the option to have 2 guns at the same time, I don't suggest this. shooting both has crappy aim. Plus you get to have 1 power gun (shot gun, assault rifle, rifle). The left bumper controls the left tenticle arm that grabs things, and the right bumper controls the right arm that slashes/whips things. you use these to take out enemies and doorways. Very nice.
The acting is similar to the first game. I think the actor who plays Jacki is the same guy from the first game so thats a plus.
Like I said I'm half way with the game and up until this point its very entertaining. I do suggest that you go out and pick this one up. I know there are two versions of the game out the special and normal. I just got the special because thats all they had at walmart, only difference is those DLC codes.
Either way its a great game, so go check it out.
I give it 4 Darklings outa 5!
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